# 12 - REREAD: Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

I first read this book in May 2015. At the time, I had not read that many dystopian/fantasy YA novels. I can say I have read a lot more now, and my opinion of this book has chance just a tiny bit. My rating is still the same though!
I decided to re-read the series before starting King's Cage because I realized there were so many things I forgot.
See my original review on Goodreads/Booklikes
My opinion changed in the fact that I can see the flaws in the book now. I could not see them that clearly the first time I read it. The plot does not always make sense and some elements are just too forced and do not feel natural. Still, I totally enjoyed the world created by the author and Mare does not annoy me as much as she seems to annoy other people. Yes, now I can see what is annoying about here. But I do not dislike her, I even like her.
Knowing what was going to happen at the end, I feel like there were not a single thing that show that something like that was going to happen. The first time I found it really great, but this time I felt like it was not realistic. Somebody who is going to betray someone else in that way should show some indications that he is not totally loyal. I found it a bit weird and I would have liked to find more evidences now that I know how it ends.
Anyway, this book is great. I think more people should read it without paying attention to other people’s bad reviews. I always want to make an opinion by myself, even if the reviews are bad (I’m even tempted to read Carve the Mark… almost).