Life update
Hi everyone!
I have been really off this site these past weeks, it proves having a baby cat is a lot of work. Just kidding! (well, it is, but it is not the main raison I've been absent). I am currently deciding on what to do next (as in my career) and a lot is happening inside my mind. I was off work for about eleven days and spent my time searching for a new job. Then a few days after being back to work I fell during a party and twisted my ankle. So I took time ouf of work again. Now I've been back for 2 weeks and I just feel like it is not my place. I need to do something else. So big news, I will start working as a freelance translator in April. This being said, I won't have much time for my reviews. I am trying to figure out how to launch a business, how to survive the holidays and how to plan a last minute 10 day trip to Florida (going there for our 10 year anniversary in January!). So a lot of stress right now but this is also really exciting.
I hope I'll spend more time here next year but my excuses if you don't see a lot of posts in the next months. I will still read your posts and reviews and interact with you because it is always so much fun!
Hope to chat with you soon :)
Thanks for reading,