#32 - Wonder by R. J. Palacio

Where to start? This book was one of the most interesting I’ve read this year. The topic is really not a light one and I can tell you that you may want to cry, but also cry tears of joy because August is really a funny little dude.
I honestly am speechless after reading this. It shows how much children can be jerks, but adults as well, and how people can make somebody’s life difficult without even knowing it. If you haven’t heard about this book yet, this is about August, aged 10, who has had medical issues all his life because of a facial difference (people call him deformed). But August does not have special means as many people like to think, he is just an ordinary boy who wants to do ordinary things.
The story follows August everyday’s life at school and shows how difficult it can be for him but also, how amazing it is to be a child and enjoy a simple life. I really hated when the other kids were mean to him and that August was never complaining about it. He is really tough and is always kind to everyone, even when other kids are being jerks. He is an example for all of us.
This story shows how important friendship is and how you should not treat someone differently just because he looks different. This is actually really important for young readers but even more for adults! I learnt a lot reading this book, it taught me so many things I thought I had already acquired. This is a must read. There is also a movie about it and I really want to see it.