#21 - Specials by Scott Westerfeld

Going on with my re-read of this series because it had been a while. I am really happy I continued on with it, but I did not enjoyed it as much as the first time I read it (just like Uglies and Pretties). I think that Tally is really an annoying character and I don’t like her. I know that people have messed with her brain multiple times but still, I don’t understand a lot of her reactions and her decisions are almost always really stupid.
The plot was great, a lot happened, I was glad that Tally could meet some old friends and people she knows to settle a few things. I enjoyed seeing a bit of the world outside and getting to know how other cities work. The pace was really fast and there was always something great going on.
I like to know that everything is not hopeless, that some people are still fighting to be free. At what cost? According to Tally, it is a really bad idea to let people decide by themselves (and she is not completely wrong). But controlling people by damaging their brains is even more wrong in my opinion. I loved how the author leave a lot of question unanswered; his reader having to figure out some things on their own.
BUT, there was way too much of Tally getting annoyed and being angry at people and wanting to kill them. I know she cannot be totally herself anymore about all that happened to her and her brain and she does not know who she is anymore, but I would have liked her to realize that her friends were right and that she should have listened to them.
The ending was too fast in my opinion. I had totally forgotten it happened like that and I was disappointed. There is still one book left in this series but I know it’s not about Tally. I can’t remember if she is in it at all, but I will still read it and I am really excited about the new series to come!