#7 - Saga (#6) by Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples

This was another amazing volume of Saga. I do read them in French because it is easier and cheaper to get them that way, but I don’t think it makes a big difference. Anyway, I really enjoyed reading about Hazel and her family again.
I bought this one last year and still had not read it. It’s been a while since I’ve read Saga, but in spite of that, it was still easy to follow and it took me only a couple of minutes to get back into it
We again meet a lot of new characters and they are all so unique, I don’t understand how they can create so many different characters that remind me of nothing I’ve already seen. They really are unique. And the art is PERFECT.
Another thing I love about Saga is how honest it is. You see the story through the eyes of a child but not an innocent or stupid one (like most children are, really, we do not give them enough credit!), Hazel is honest and understand a lot more than what people think.
I can’t wait to read the next one, this graphic novel is really one of the best I have ever read and it keeps getting better and better.