#53 - Heir of Fire by Sarah J Maas (re-read)

I have to say the 2nd read was so much better than the first one. I had forgotten so many little details and I'm glad I choose to re-read this series. Knowing what is to come, it's better to learn again what happened first. The only thing that was better the first time is that I was more emotional about some events; this time I knew such or such character was not going to die or was going to be saved and stuff so It was way less scarry.
Aelin is growing on me; I hated her when I read Throne of Glass for the first time, then started to like her a little more with every book. Now, I love her. She is such an amazing and complex character. Rowan is still my fav... Nothing new here!
Aedion and Chaol's storyline was not that interesting to me the first time I read the book, but I was paying way more attention to it this time. I wanted to learn more about them and what they were trying to accomplish.
I had forgotten the reunion at the end between Aelin and Maeve.. How could I forget this?! IT WAS EPIC!!!!!!
Manon Blackbeak, well, I love her, she is perfect. What can I say? She is flawless.
I really can't wait to re-read Queen of Shadows because I know more epic things are coming...