June Wrap Up
It's July already. It does not feel like it, maybe because of the weather, but no, I'm used to shitty weather in July. It's because I'm not going to camp this year. I've been going there every year for more than 15 years, So it is weird not going. Because I'm an adult now. I have to work. Life sucks..
Good thing is, I will actualy get to celebrate my birthday with my family and friends. Every year I was at camp, so I could celebrate with my friends there, but it wasn't the same. I will get to celebrate my 24th birthday, and it means books ;)
But enough talk about my personal life, we're here for the books, right?!
In the month of June, I read 7 books (including one audibook), plus one DNF. Throne of Glass was a re-read.
5 stars:
4 stars:
3 stars:
It's not even because the books was bad, I did not find it particularly bad, but not particularly good either. I just did not care. I couldn't connect with any of the characters, I was confused by what was happening and the story did not interest me. Maybe it is something for you, but it was not for me. Have any of you read it?