#41 - Warcross by Marie Lu

Warcross - Marie Lu

** I received a free copy through NetGalley in exchange for a honest review**


A sci-fi book about a game that is part of everyday life AND written by Marie Lu, sign me in!


I was way too excited about this book and I almost broke my phone when I get the e-mail saying I got the galley.


Warcross is more than just a game, it is a way of live and is part of everyone's daily life. Emika Chen is an orphan with rainbow hair (that detail was too cool not to be mentioned) who is trying to earn some money by tracking down illegal players. But her life is about to change completely.


The idea of Warcross is amazing, not that it has never been done before, but I liked how it was handled. I am almost sure that this kind of game will happen someday and we may be closer to it than we think. 


Emika is a lovable character, I actually admire her. She manages to follow her heart without rushing into decisions, and thus making bad ones. She knows what she wants and what she had to do to get it. She sometimes also wants to give up, because life can be hard, but she never does. Emika is rational but she is not afraid of her feelings either. She was the perfect MC for me! The other characters were not developed enough to be able to say anything about them. It was not a bad thing, it actually was a plus for me. Most of the books I read try to focus on multiple characters at once and it can get messy. Warcross is told through Emika, all the focus is on her and I really liked that fact.


The plot was neither too fast, nor too slow; the flow of events was coherent. I thought it was a standalone at first, so when I reach the middle of the book I was skeptical about how it was going to end, then I understand it was part of a series and I was really happy and really angry at the same time. I just need the second book right now!!


I love discovering this new sci-fi world, full of gadgets and stuff I would love to have. Marie Lu is great at creating this kind of things.


I enjoyed every single page of this book, it will probably be the best new series of the year!