#35 - Savages by Katherine Bogle

** I received a free copy through NetGalley in exchange for a honest review**
The story of Breen and Drakkone was interesting. I love the tribesmen with their way of life, they ideals and the fact that they would do anything to protect their people. I love the main idea behind the Academy, taking "savages" to make them fight for the Empire. I think it was a great subject to explore.
The first part of the story is about Breen, how she is taken from her tribe and made to fight for the Emperor. Breen is strong and does not want to break, but it is difficult, she wants to give up. Until she meets Drakkone who seems to want to help her. She is wary but she soon starts to develop feeling for him. Their relationship was evolving way too fast for my taste, I did not really enjoy that fact. There is also another event that felt really unecessary for me, but I won't mention it because of spoilers.
I enjoyed this part of the book. It was interesting to meet these people and see how strong Breen can be, even if in the end, she is only human and cannot stomach everything.
Part two is about another character (you will discover who she is by reading the story). I did not really enjoy it. I felt like a big part of the story was unexplained. I do not really know what was happening with Nina, why she had these powers, what the powers really were etc. I don't know if it was on purpose or if it is because I did not read the first book (it is the second book in the series, but it does not seem to follow the same characters so I'm not sure of what I miss).
I did not really connect with any of the characters either.
In brief, I enjoy reading this story but not more than that. It was not bad, but it was not great either. Still, I recommend reading it if you want something a bit exotic.