#18 - King's Cage by Victoria Aveyard

When I read Red Queen, I enjoyed it whereas a lot of people had issues with it. Then, I read Glass Sword and I was not that enthusiastic about the book. Still, I liked the story and the world created by the author so I picked up King’s Cage. And I was so disappointed.
The book starts right where you finished Glass Sword, which is good because I was dying to know what was going to happen (boy, this scene was such a disappointment). You then have what seems like a million pages of Mare complaining (ok, this time she has the right to do so. Still, she annoyed me. I was the one defending here in Glass Sword, but that’s over. I don’t like her in this book. At all).
The plot was slow, too slow for my taste. I was expecting something big to happen, but nothing really did. I felt like I just read 500 pages of basically nothing. That is a bit sad, but I still found myself having fun reading this book and wanting to know what was going to happen. Why? I can't say. I liked the series, so I kept on reading.
Don’t get me wrong, this book was not all bad, some elements were actually great; having Eveline’s POV was amazing, I feel like I got to know here a little bit better and I liked her a lot, actually. Cameron also has her own POV, I don't particularly like this character, even if she is strong and fierce, totally the kind of female characters I like, but no. I did not work for me and her POV was unnecessary. Apart from her complaining about Mare and saying how selfish and annoying she is, it did not add anything to the story. There is one particular event I was looking for (as far as Cameron is concern), but it was also a disappointment when it happened.
I love Maven and I hate him at the same time: this is what makes a great villain for me. But sometimes, he just seemed flat and not developed enough. I liked seeing a bit of his vulnerability though, that was good.
I do not know what more to tell without any spoilers, but the book was not that good. I still gave it 3/5 stars, because I think it is a great series and I still want to give it a chance. I will definitely read the next book to know what is going to happen. And I hope it will be better