Update + Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Well, I haven't posted anything in a while... There are so many great (as well as not so great) books I read but had no time/energy to write reviews (or I did not feel like it).


I really hope to be back in 2017 and find a balance between work and life. I really like writing reviews and read your posts. I also like to chat with you about bookish things but also about anything else, so I really really hope I can find the time to come back here more often.


I'm currently trying to catch up on my reading challenge, I have 5 more books to read in 2016 and I hope I can do it!


I hope you had a wonderful Christmas time if you celebrated it, if not, I hope you had a wonderful week end :) !


(Yes, I do hope a lot of things).


Thanks for reading,

